Friends of the Hell Hawks
9th Army Air Force P-47 units
36th Fighter Group
48th Fighter Group
50th Fighter Group
354th Fighter Group
358nd Fighter Group
362nd Fighter Group
366th Fighter Group
367th Fighter Group
368th Fighter Group
371st Fighter Group
373rd Fighter Group
404th Fighter Group
405th Fighter Group
406th Fighter Group
Other P-47 units
27th Fighter Group
57th Fighter Group
79th Fighter Group
86th Fighter Group
324th Fighter Group
350th Fighter Group
Thunderbolt-related pages
365th Flight Simulation Group
Miscellaneous pages
Read More about the 365th Thunderbolts of the Hell Hawks
(Barnes, Crump and Sutherland)
320 pages, 500 photos and 98 illustrations of the group's P-47s.

Hell Hawks!
(Dorr & Jones)
The story of the band of young American fighter pilots, and their gritty, close-quarters fight against Hitlers vaunted military. The "Hell Hawks" were the men and machines of the 365th Fighter Group.
