News of the Hell Hawks
Hell Hawk Europe Tour2014
Families and veterens of the 365th are invited to a tour of Airfields of the 365th commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Fighter Group in WWII Europe.
Including London-Paris-Normandy-Reims-mons-Aachen-Frankfurt
31 Jul—11 Aug 2014
Click fo more information
Read More about the 365th Thunderbolts of the Hell Hawks
(Barnes, Crump and Sutherland)
320 pages, 500 photos and 98 illustrations of the group's P-47s.

Hell Hawks!
(Dorr & Jones)
The story of the band of young American fighter pilots, and their gritty, close-quarters fight against Hitlers vaunted military. The "Hell Hawks" were the men and machines of the 365th Fighter Group.
